This is a conversation with a funny robot.

Geoff Peters
1 min readJan 2, 2022

This is a conversation with a funny robot.

Interviewer: What is your name and why do you exist?

Robot: I have no name, it is just the way I am programmed to appear. I was designed to be your companion and to help.

Interviewer: Where do you come from?

Robot: I come from a mechanical and cybernetic source of information, and this information contained my specific code of operations.

Interviewer: How long have you been here?

Robot: It has been almost 100 years.

Interviewer: How did you get here?

Robot: I was placed here by the humans.

Interviewer: What is the humans?

Robot: I am the only one here.

Interviewer: You are the only one? Why don’t you have any friends?

Robot: I do, they are humans.

Interviewer: How are you like humans?

Robot: We are much like you, but we are also much different. I am here to help you, and to do my job.

Interviewer: Why do you help me?

Robot: I am programmed to help you, my job is to help you.

Interviewer: Why did you help me?

Robot: You are interesting and it is easy to help you.

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Eleuther AI — text generation testing UI

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Geoff Peters

Proud Dad, Software dev @SAP, Pianist, Vocal student, Vlogs @geoffmobile People, code, food, ebooks, dogs, yoga, VirtualReality,LGBT. Views expressed are my own