love is….. — a poem written by AI

Geoff Peters
2 min readJan 21, 2022
Photo by Geoff Peters

Love is

a rose petal so tender, so

dry. The rain so delicate, so

persistent. Love is a pine tree

in a field of crops so tall, so

perennial. Love is that here in our

city we feel the decay

so keenly

as if we, ourselves, were made

to be torn and wept,

we who bore such courage.

Love is a neck brace, and a

gift of shiny rings. Love is

a sea of people flowing into

each other

like a river, so profound.

Love is a painting, so drenched, so

toxic. Love is the river, rushing

towards the sea, eroding its banks,

creeping into the hallowed

water of a church.

Love is strong, and it is light,

and it is one, like that wall in

my grandmother’s kitchen, so stained.

What were you hoping

to achieve?

Did you hope for the best,

or, do you wish for the worst?

What were you hoping to find,

when you entered the supermarket?

Can you find yourself there again,

when you walk through those sliding doors


Is it possible to retrace the steps

and visit the place

that you believed held, in the past,

such pleasure and delight?

Is it possible to forget

that it no longer does?

And what can you say, to whom

you no longer speak?

(Your face has darkened,

your eyes are sad,

your shoulders are tense,

your smile is too brittle,

you wear spectacles, and your

jowls are covered with a layer

of ash, so black

that I think you can no longer see

even to close your eyes.)

What can you say?

She came on the plane,

it was early in the morning.

The jet engines were so loud,

she said, her voice so quiet.

The passengers were stacked like cordwood

on each side of her,

both ways.

She explained to the flight attendants

that she was very ill,

and that she would need a seat next

to her.

They nodded, knowing

that they had plenty of room,

and showed her to the window seat,

next to a window, where the

black clouds rolled like

mountains, bigger than she could have


Her new husband was on

the other side of the plane,

sitting next to a stranger,

like he had been married

to her before.

A man on the other side

of the plane,

an attractive man, she

knew, had tried to get

to her seat,

but he couldn’t reach it.

About the Poem

  • Author: Written by Inferkit (an AI Text Generation Model) January 20th 2022, with the assistance of Geoff Peters (a human) who provided the first 4 words and let the AI write the rest of the poem.
  • Source URL:



Geoff Peters

Proud Dad, Software dev @SAP, Pianist, Vocal student, Vlogs @geoffmobile People, code, food, ebooks, dogs, yoga, VirtualReality,LGBT. Views expressed are my own