5 best tips for reducing stress while working from home — and the need for daily breaks

Geoff Peters
3 min readNov 18, 2020

November 18th 2020
Edited by Geoff Peters http://twitter.com/gpeters

Working from home and taking care of family members can be stressful for many people. This article gives some helpful tips to reduce stress while working from home, suggested by AI systems.

Author’s note: This article was written by a human author (Geoff Peters http://twitter.com/gpeters ) in partnership with several Artificial Intelligence models. Some phrases were generated by GPT2, accessed through https://transformer.huggingface.co/doc/gpt2-large and most other text was generated by Megatron-11b, accessed through https://inferkit.com/ The final editing was done by the human author but the majority of the ideas were generated by the AI systems.

Let’s begin!

On an average, people spend nearly 40 hours a week on their workstations and at the end of it, it is easy to understand why we are so stressed. With the new demands of a “work from home” (WFH) lifestyle, there is so much that needs to be done, including house work, driving family members to school, daycare, or appointments, and taking care of our pets.

Though many people have acquired the skill of putting in long hours at work and being productive, it does not come without its downsides.

Not only are knowledge workers often under the pressure of a deadline, they also have less time for themselves and for doing activities that are fun and enjoyable.

Here are the top five stress-relieving techniques, according to our AI experts.

1. Learn to de-clutter your workstation

It is important to clean your desk on a regular basis to reduce clutter that can be very stressful. Keeping your physical desk clean and tidy (as well as organizing your computer’s desktop, to-do lists, and email inbox) can reduce the risk of mental fatigue that may lead to stress.

2. Exercise daily

Exercising daily helps you to stay healthier. Regular exercise helps to fight against the effects of stress and reduce the symptoms of stress-related illnesses.

Exercise not only releases the hormones that help you relax, but it also improves blood circulation, boosts energy, reduces pain and eases cramps. It also provides relief from the wear-and-tear on the body and joints.

3. Find a happy space

The ideal environment for stress reduction, according to experts, is at a comfortable, quiet place, with some natural light.

4. Make healthy food

The trick to stress-reducing food is to select those that are easy to digest and healthy.

Chewing a handful of nuts, or snacking on a handful of salt-free seeds, and drinking plenty of water, can be part of a diet that can lead to good mental health. You may find it helpful to avoid salty snacks such as chips, and frequent consumption of sugary sodas or unhealthy sweetened “vitamin” water. Foods that are made of whole grains, or high in protein such as eggs, can also make you feel more at ease.

Studies have revealed that consuming foods like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and other healthy proteins, fat and carbohydrates, including yoghurt and flaxseed can reduce stress.

5. Take regular breaks from work

Take regular breaks from work to re-energise and relax your body. Besides regular breaks, one can find it beneficial to spend more time on activities that are positive and enjoyable, like taking a walk, doing yoga or jogging or listening to music. Doing exercises like stretching and yoga to relieve stress will also increase focus and improve blood circulation in your body, thereby improving your overall physical well-being.

Running errands and getting your chores done can be a good break and relieve stress for some people, but remember to add variety to your routine. Be sure to follow how your energy level feels to pick the right activities for you.

Wrap Up

Those are our 5 best tips for reducing stress. In conclusion, trust that there will always be something stressful in your life. So focus on making it easier to live and don’t forget to take time to enjoy your life.

- Thank you for reading this article. For more insights you can follow the human editor/author, Geoff Peters, on Twitter at http://twitter.com/gpeters



Geoff Peters

Proud Dad, Software dev @SAP, Pianist, Vocal student, Vlogs @geoffmobile People, code, food, ebooks, dogs, yoga, VirtualReality,LGBT. Views expressed are my own